Monday, April 18, 2016

Why We Will Never Be Rich - An Ongoing Series!

When I read the blogs of financially successful folks such as J. Money, ( ), Mr. Money Mustache, ( ), James Collins, (  -  you GOTTA read this: ), Jeremy and Winnie, ( ), and lots and lots of other money savvy folks, I get a little jealous.  They have money, enough money for financial independence, and the FREEDOM that this money buys them.  I, on the other hand, have bills and debt.

Money, Money, Who's Got the Money??

It ain't fair!

Well, no ..... that is absolutely wrong.  It is TOTALLY fair, because we all have a CHOICE in how we can live, and what we will spend money on.*  My wife and I CHOOSE to spend our money, rather than save it.  Here are a few examples from just this weekend, (rounded off for ease of addition!).

1. Saturday

Admission to the Atlanta Zoo, and snacks while we were there:  $130.00

Goodie from the Buford Highway Farmers Market:  $80.00 (at least - my wife paid this)

Dinner at the fantastic Grits Cafe in Forsyth, GA:  $140.00

2. Sunday

Admission to a movie for me and my older son, popcorn, and a soda:  $30.00

A new MacBook Pro laptop for me to use while I am working out of town:  $1,200.00

That's a total of at least $1,580 USD for just this past weekend alone!!

Okay, now I admit that we won't be buying a new laptop every weekend, (we couldn't if we wanted to!), but it seems that every other week we have some new fantastic expense to attempt to pay off.  And except for our older son's unfortunate emergency medical expenses, these are all purchases we voluntarily make.

Saving money really is simple.  It's the discipline NOT to spend that is the sand in lotion!

* - Okay, this assumes you are of sound mind and body, which MOST of us are.  (No whining please!!)

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Online Income Statement - March/2016

No income this month, just expenses!  $60.00 for internet access, and some miscellaneous stuff, which means I'll round our monthly expenses up to $70.00.  So for the year, we're about -$300.00 .

If you're trying to make some money online, I hope you're doing better than we are!

One final thing: I've learned the hard way not to count online income until it's actually in your bank account.  There are LOTS of rip-off "money-making" sites out there: be careful!!  And until you actually have the cash in hand, don't assume you'll ever get it!